Sailstice for the Merfolk

Summer Sailstice in SL invites the entire mer community to join us for fun on June 18! Mers are welcome to swim with the cruisers and check out the parties and concerts! You are also welcome to the Noon and 3PM races!
Especially don’t miss the great Sails & Tails party at Nantucket Park from 5pm to 7pm!
See the full schedule on the Events page! You’ll find cruises starting at 4:00AM SLT and parties with live musicians and DJs the entire day. (Many of you have taken part in the Leeward Cruising Club Sunday cruises; they will do it on Saturday just for Sailstice!)
(Note that you can swim right up to the Malolo Island Marina events stage and listen to the music! Events there happen Friday through Sunday; see the entire schedule here.)
Also: although it’s not required, please visit the official Summer Sailstice in SL Web page and register there! They only ask for a name (your SL name is fine) and an Email address. Registering shows the RL Sailstice folks that we’re getting a lot of support for our virtual event! You also become eligible for a pile of great prizes. (I mean RL prizes–actual stuff!)