SS in SL Details
REGISTER FOR OUR EVENT HERE! This is OPTIONAL and FREE! But registering on the Official Summer Sailstice Website puts you drawings for valuable (real!) prizes. As important, it lets the world see the participation in our event!
2022 is the 22nd year for Summer Sailstice (SS), and it has always been about getting people OFF their computers and ON the water in sailboats! In June 2020, exactly the opposite was true; staying home was the rule over the world! So we created this virtual event with the conviction that there could never be a better time to try virtual sailing! This is our third year, so it really is the ANNUAL Summer Sailstice in Second Life!
If you’re already a sailor in SL, register on the Sailstice site and then send an IM to me (Dale Irata in SL) inworld and ask to join the SS in SL group! You’ll get notices of activities as we get closer to June 18.
(A privacy note: I’ve been in the Sailstice database since 2011. I have never been spammed from there; I do receive the annual announcements of the upcoming Sailstice events, but that’s all.)

What does it mean to join a Sailstice Event?
Joining a Sailstice event means that, on June 18, you’re planning to participate. In other years that meant going out on a sailboat, or maybe being part of an event at a yacht club or some other organization.
Again this year, lots of events are going to be online, using Zoom or other social channels. But with SS in SL, we have the best possible virtual sailing experience! Last year we had races, cruises, parties–anything you can imagine that takes place on, in or near the water. And the mer community joined us! Take a look at our Flickr photo album for a taste of the fun!

What you’ll need to participate
First you need to Register for Summer Sailstice in Second Life, at that link above.
Then, you need a Second Life account, and to load the Second Life (or compatible) software on your computer (PC, Mac or Linux). You can create your account at .
Once you’ve done that, you can come in and explore Second Life! There are some excellent videos produced by Linden Lab (the owners of SL) and by many SL sailors and other residents; watch for those to come soon!