Info for SL YC Officers


What are the SL yacht clubs doing?  Our Events Page is crammed with the schedule for Summer Sailstice Day June 20!  We’ve got races, cruises and dances that day.  Plus a huge Boat Show running all week, and overnight camping for boaters that weekend!

Here are some ways your Club can help make this a great day:

  • Get your members to register!

      Everyone should stop by our SS in SL Headquarters space and do three things:

    • Join our Summer Sailstice in Second Life Group
    • Register on the Summer Sailstice Website
    • Grab their free Summer Sailstice in SL shirt!
  • Offer a boat ride!  There may be RL sailor coming in at the last minute who have never sailed in SL before. Offer to take someone on a short cruise or a fast run around a race course.
  • Have a club cruise!  Sail from your YC to another one (maybe one that’s having a party).
  • Take some pictures!  There should be some great photos generated that day (including some folks shooting over their shoulder at their desks at home).

What’s in it for my club?  Because of so many people sheltering at home, Summer Sailstice offers an internationally-promoted event to a big, new audience.  So for your club:

  • It should be a fun and different activity for your members.
  • It could really attract some new people (who are already into sailing) into the SL sailing community.
  • It’s a great chance for RL sailors to get to know SL ones, and vice versa.

Why is our event located in Progreso, Yucatan, Mexico?   That’s where your organizer Dave Bloch (Dale Irata in SL) lives.  The Google Map marker on our Sailstice page is our protected harbor.  The photo below shows the actual 1893 Progreso lighthouse on the right, and the SL version built by RJK on the left.  Our lighthouse operates every night, guiding ships to the most important port on the Yucatan Peninsula.